Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hpv Throat Cancer Symptoms Photo Long Term Throat Problems?

Long term throat problems? - hpv throat cancer symptoms photo

I'm having trouble swallowing, drink a lot and I have in saliva, as it seems. My ears are so unsettled, I am chewing gum to fix it. My throat is occasionally fly. There are itching, then my glands are swollen. When I occasionally say, it's like every few months. I my throat. Was this for a while. A doctor has never commented on my throat than I have in my tongue bumps on the back of it and clean my tongue with a tongue scraper. I have HPV and genital warts. Is that all? I am afraid of throat cancer, I'm only 19, I can not throat cancer! I have a Dr. 's appointment on 19 I request an HIV test because I know that the problems can be a symptom of the neck. Though I'm at risk for HIV in all. My boyfriend gave me HPV were HIV-negative. Other than that, I do not know what could be the problem. Bronchitis? Throat? I have a lot of mucus.
It is interesting that my mother and my brother has throat problems.


mama woof said...

Are you with asthma? Or you have a repetition of bronchitis, asthma can be related? Some people with asthma have similar symptoms and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. I really wonder if it could be diagnosed with asthma?

You could also check your thyroid and see the tonsils / polyps, to give more space for drainage in the throat. Two things can cause tightness in the throat.

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